Map/Texas/El Campo

El Campo personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $41,540

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

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Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $150
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $150
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $5150
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings

El Campo

El Campo, TX, located in Wharton County, is known for its rich agricultural heritage, primarily in rice farming. As of 2020, it has a population of approximately 12,000 residents. The city serves as a hub for local agriculture and has a diverse economy that extends to healthcare, retail, and manufacturing. El Campo also features the El Campo Museum of Natural History, showcasing wildlife exhibits. Its annual Ricebird football games draw significant local support, emphasizing the town's strong community spirit.

incentives available in El Campo for...
energy icon


El Campo, TX has made strides in improving energy efficiency through various initiatives. The city has adopted energy-efficient LED streetlights, reducing energy consumption and costs for public lighting. A solar incentive program encourages residential and commercial installations of photovoltaic systems, contributing to clean energy generation and job creation in the area. The El Campo Independent School District has undertaken measures to modernize HVAC systems across campuses, leading to significant energy savings and improved indoor air quality. Local businesses have been incentivized to upgrade to energy-efficient appliances and machinery, further driving down the city's overall energy demand. The municipality has also implemented smart grid technologies to optimize electricity distribution and reduce energy waste. To promote conservation, El Campo offers educational programs on energy saving techniques for households. Rebates for energy audits and retrofits are available, aiding homeowners in identifying and implementing energy-saving measures. Overall, El Campo's combination of technology upgrades, incentives, and community engagement is fostering a culture of energy consciousness and efficiency.

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Water conservation in El Campo is a priority, given the region's susceptibility to drought. The city has updated its infrastructure with leak detection systems to promptly address water loss in the distribution system. Smart metering devices provide residents with real-time water usage data, encouraging conservation. El Campo's water treatment facility uses advanced filtration technologies to ensure efficient use of water resources and protect water quality. Rainwater harvesting is promoted among homeowners and businesses, with incentives such as tax breaks and rebate programs. Efficient irrigation practices and drought-resistant landscaping - xeriscaping - are widely encouraged and supported by the local government. A tiered water pricing structure is effective in reducing excessive water usage by imposing higher rates as consumption increases. Public education campaigns on water-saving techniques are commonplace, reaching a broad audience through community workshops and school programs. Initiatives to restore and protect local waterways contribute to maintaining the regional water cycle and biodiversity. Residents are also encouraged to report water waste, and the city conducts regular audits on public water usage to identify areas for improvement.

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El Campo has taken measures to enhance transportation efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. The city has invested in improving the public transit system, making it more reliable and accessible for residents. El Campo promotes carpooling and ride-sharing programs to decrease the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road. A local bike-share program supports sustainable transport and encourages residents to opt for cycling over driving for short trips. Newly constructed and retouched roads include bike lanes and pedestrian pathways, ensuring safety and promoting non-motorized forms of transport. The city also supports the adoption of electric vehicles (EV) by increasing the number of public EV charging stations. Incentives such as reduced registration fees and tax credits are available for residents who purchase EVs or hybrid vehicles. To alleviate peak-hour traffic congestion, flexible work schedules and telecommuting are encouraged by local employers, reducing overall transportation demand. The city is exploring the potential for using biodiesel in municipal vehicles to decrease reliance on fossil fuels. El Campo's commitment to transportation efficiency includes ongoing assessments to identify additional improvements and engagement with regional transit authorities to align efforts across broader areas.

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El Campo's waste management system has seen notable advancements in reducing waste and encouraging recycling. The city has rolled out a comprehensive curbside recycling program, making it easier for residents to recycle plastics, paper, glass, and metals. A local ordinance mandates the separation of recyclable materials from regular waste, fostering compliance and awareness. The 'Zero Waste El Campo' initiative aims to divert a significant percentage of waste from landfills through composting programs and by promoting the re-use of materials. El Campo has incentivized businesses to minimize packaging and use biodegradable materials. A quarterly hazardous waste collection event ensures safe disposal of items like electronics, batteries, and chemicals. The city has partnered with local schools to educate students on the importance of recycling and has implemented school recycling programs. Participation in regional waste reduction coalitions allows El Campo to stay at the forefront of waste management strategies. By investing in waste-to-energy projects, the community is exploring innovative ways to harness energy from waste, further moving towards sustainable waste management practices.